For many children in the countryside of under development countries, education is an unattainable dream.
Without help, many children and youths, whose families are poor, would never step foot into a classroom or training for future survival and in contrast they turn to crime, drug abuse, early marriage and prostitution.
- Uganda hosts one of the biggest percentage of refugees in the world and more continue to arrive.
- Many have experienced extreme violence
- They have been welcomed into some of the poorest parts of the country, putting further strain on already limited resources in host communities.
- Yet, most children are not getting the education they deserve:
LHI identified at least seventy (70) most vulnerable refugee children, and It will have them registered in neighboring schools, Pay the school fees and provide other scholastic materials; and lastly, follow up, and psychosocial support where needed for a period of 7 years.
Click here to see the full project Proposal
How Schools Operate in Uganda
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