Creation philosophy of Let’s Help International –LHI as a Charity Organization
From a very long time ago, Education was as it is still today a daydream to a hundred thousand of children from law income families throughout the world but most especially those ones from the third world as well as a big part of Africa and Asia.
Robert Frost in hid poem “The shepherd and his flock” tells about a young shepherd boy whom from the pasture looks the children of his master in their smart school uniforms and bags going to school. Considering the big difference between him and his master’s children life condition sighs in a prayer:”Heavenly God, will I ever go to school?”
The shepherd of Robert Frost represents a great number of children from vulnerable communities who look education as impossible and unachievable dream.
The gap between rich and poor is terrible in this interconnected world to the extent that one may conclude (from a distance) that the globe earth we know is divided in two other earth globes – The one for the needy and the other for the rich.
As that continues to be an ideal of many, the reality clearly prove that we normally don’t have two different earth globes but only one to make one only human world.
Therefore, as it is true that there is only one world, the question asks:”How will those two different people live together in a single, shared world if nothing changes at all?” ”Will there ever be found a bridge to remove that woeful gap and connect those groups for equity and equal opportunities?”
The answer is YES and NO. It is YES if the rich accept to open hands and help. It is no if the rich denies opening hands and help.
The Holy Bible says:”For the oppression of the poor, the sighing of the needy, now I will arise, says the Lord”. Psalm 12:5.
In his SONG OF AN AFRICAN WOMAN (from the Acholi poem, song of Lawino ), Okot P’Bitek says:”I have only one request-I don’t ask for money-Although I have need of it- I do not ask for meat… I have only one request-All I ask is –that you remove the road block-from my path”.
In addition, Jacqueline Novogratz states “BLUE SWEATER” : ”My work in Africa taught me about the extraordinary resilience for people for whom poverty is a reality not because they don’t work hard but because there are too many obstacles in their way.”
Poverty is the major road block and obstacle both Jacqueline and Okot talk about and have to be removed away from the way of vulnerable people in order to achieve their desired dreams by limiting their very chance for survival. .
And financing and supporting education for vulnerable children and Training for the youth is the capital way of bridging that social gap between the rich and poor. The same way, Education is the main tool to utilize to eradicate and get rid of poverty from human world because traditional agriculture and breeding systems will have no place in tomorrow’s world of advanced technology.
The world of today needs a helping hand and this is the birth reason of LET’S HELP INTERNATIONAL.
Let’s help together, let’s give them hope for the brighter future.