In a groundbreaking initiative aimed at enhancing the capabilities of Refugee-led Organizations (RLOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), and various groups within the Kyaka II Refugee Settlement, KRLON recently completed a successful training session on October 6th, 2023. This vital training equipped over 70 individuals with the knowledge and skills required to effectively utilize KRLON’s Online Reporting System, representing a significant stride towards the socio-economic empowerment and holistic development of the community.
This training was pivotal in providing attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies of KRLON’s Online Reporting System, a vital tool for organizations operating within the settlement. Notably, the trainees were offered a video link for continued reference and learning post-training, ensuring the knowledge gained would be retained and applied effectively.
At the core of KRLON‘s mission is the belief that reporting plays a fundamental role in operational success. The structured reporting processes are instrumental in acknowledging and sustaining the remarkable work undertaken by RLOs, CBOs, and groups operating within the Kyaka II Refugee Settlement.
Training Objectives and Support
The primary objective of this training was to familiarize representatives from various Local Organizations, including RLOs, CBOs, and Groups, with the intricacies of KRLON’s Online Reporting System. The aim was to empower these entities with the skills and knowledge necessary to efficiently submit their monthly reports. This empowerment was envisioned to streamline reporting processes, ultimately contributing to the collective advancement of the community.
The success of this training session was made possible through the unwavering support of several Local Organizations and Partner Organizations. Notably, Let’s Help International (LHI) played a pivotal role in this endeavor. LHI, as a partner of UNHCR in Digital Inclusion, brought its substantial expertise to the table. The organization’s staff have been trained by UNHCR in partnership with Here I Am Studio, further highlighting LHI’s capacity and commitment to fostering digital inclusion and empowerment.
Participants and Organizations/Groups
The dedication of the participants and the organizations and groups they represented was truly commendable. Their active participation underscored their unwavering commitment to the community’s welfare and their eagerness to enhance their reporting capabilities.
The Importance of Reporting in Kyaka II Refugee Settlement
Reporting is a cornerstone of KRLON’s mission within the Kyaka II Refugee Settlement. The tireless efforts of RLOs, CBOs, and groups have been instrumental in improving the community’s well-being. Reporting serves as a means to recognize and appreciate these invaluable contributions.
Through the reporting process, these groups provide documented accounts of their activities and achievements. This documentation not only highlights their dedication but also enhances transparency, accountability, and communication within KRLON’s network of Partner Organizations. Additionally, reporting fosters knowledge sharing, as submitted reports become part of a collective repository of information shared with Partner Organizations and on the KRLON platform. This exchange of best practices not only showcases the outstanding work being done but also inspires others to join these initiatives and offer support where needed.
In summary, reporting is a dynamic tool for recognition, appreciation, and collaboration. It amplifies the voices of RLOs, CBOs, and Groups, forging stronger bonds within the community and enabling them to celebrate achievements, learn from each other, and make enduring contributions to the Kyaka II Refugee Settlement.