Name: Aline, DUSHIME
Child ID#: LHIC 18/20
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 2015
Class: Primary 1
Nationality: Refugee
Parent Status: Both parents
Twishime is the ninth of eleven children born to Congolese parents. She lives in Kyaka II refugee settlement with both of her parents and ten siblings. Her family’s entire livelihood is hoped from a little farm plot where they were relocated by UNHCR and OPM Uganda.
Twishime likes to sing and dance. Particularly she likes to sing and is a member of a children’s choir at a local church and she wants her choir to sustain and become the best source of worshippers in the world. In the future, she hopes to become a nurse to be able to tend and give intensive care to
people “especially to mothers and elderly,” she said.