Let’s Help International (LHI) plays a crucial role in addressing pressing social, educational, and developmental challenges in Rwanda. With a focus on mental health support, education, empowering women, and community development, LHI’s efforts are designed to uplift vulnerable populations and create sustainable impact. Here’s a closer look at our work in Rwanda:

I. Social Assistance

LHI provides life-changing support for people facing mental health challenges. Through social activities, the organization ensures access to medical care, insurance, and specialized aid:

  1. Support for People with Mental Illness: LHI offers direct assistance to individuals with mental illnesses.
  2. Medical Health Insurance: Health insurance is provided to vulnerable individuals, ensuring access to essential healthcare services.

II. Educational Activities

LHI believes that education is key to breaking the cycle of poverty. The organization focuses on:

  1. Books for Students: Providing underprivileged students with educational materials.
  2. Education support to vulnerable children through sponsorship
  3. Meals for Children: Ensuring food security for children through school meal programs.

III. Development Activities

Empowering women is central to LHI’s development activities. Their programs provide financial and social support to vulnerable women:

  1. Assistance for Women Leading Families: Supporting women through targeted interventions.
  2. Aid to street vendors women (Abazunguzayi): Helping street vendors transition to sustainable livelihoods.

For more information about our programs, or to get involved, contact us at:

Phone: +250 786 393 690

E-mail: rw@letshelpinternational.org

Web page: https://letshelpinternational.org/rwanda/

Sangwa Cell, Kimisagara Sector, Nyarugenge District, Kigali City.

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