Category: Uncategorized
Attend to a 2 hours Project Proposal Training of August 28th, 2021 EAT Let’s Help International – LHI is a non-profit organization that advocates for the physical, cognitive and social development of vulnerable children, youth and families as well as orphans, refugees and other people mostly in need. Contributing to the training of people especially youth, through programs that promote educational …
Environment Protection
Our Activities include: Promotion of Greening (Shade & Fruit trees planting, gardens etc.) Reducing of Garbage Garbage Recycling and Reuse Establishment of a Recycling System Proper Waste Disposal Promotion of Measures against CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon) Promotion of Environmentally Friendly Business Activities Practice of Lifestyle with Low Energy Consumption Environmentally Friendly Car Usage Effective Water Usage Consideration to Waste Water An Environmentally …
Computer Training Project
Message from the Founder
I have to help because It was done to me. Pr. Festo Nduwayezu Helping is not that you have enough, but a heart, a strong heart to do what’s right without waiting for a reward from the people. Getting involved in this Organization, will positively change lives of hundreds of vulnerable people, who will after change positively the lives of …
Save Poor Child
For many children in the countryside of under development countries, education is an unattainable dream. Without help, many children and youths, whose families are poor, would never step foot into a classroom or training for future survival and in contrast they turn to crime, drug abuse, early marriage and prostitution. With the help of generous contributions, LHI will sponsor hundreds …